Loren Omoto

Innovator, Strategist, Educator


Unclear on the concept?


Yes, we focus on mastering what we do. Because it’s our life’s work.

But it’s a little jarring to see this character in his sweater, sleeves, and tie staring back from the Evernote login page.

Don’t get me wrong: Evernote is a terrific service, getting better every day. But equating a web-based clipping and storage app with my life’s work — the goal of mastery — does a disservice to the vocabulary and cheapens the nobility and profundity of the concept.

Life’s work should be about dedication, grit, drive, and passion. Not about shortcuts to save links to web stories you may or may not look at again.

I know: I’ve cheapened Evernote with my broad generalization — but turnabout is fair play.